Wednesday, February 16, 2011

really, you gave into pier pressure Jenn?

As by demanding request from my number one follower, I am posting today. Posting while procrastinating. I mean, followers first, school second, right? Anyways...I am over this hail and rain. I seriously want to study in a setting like this man (woman?). Just crank up the degrees about 10 more. I can use the color.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

really, is this what you do Jenn when you study?

So, no one likes studying for back-to-back midterms, right? Of course, especially if one course is titled "Calculus" and the other contains vocabulary words longer than the names of shampoo ingredients (really, check it out next time you bathe up). However, one positive thing about studying is how much you get done in the house or discover online while procrastinating. After about a year, I reconnected with my hero Courage Wolf and met his companion Pun Coon. What a great guy, and distracter he is.